we do conceern.......
Ilmu Akhirat Wajib Dipelajari... Bekalan Untuk Temu Ilahi... ILmu Duniawi Boleh Dicari... Panduan Hidup Untuk Berbakti... says:u pernah perasan tk?
Law ghibti a'anni lahza Ibtew-hashni. Wandah a'alaik tool el saa'at. Wayak ya A'omri, ihlaw A'omri. Wa rijia'li beek A'omri elli says:perasan abt?
Ilmu Akhirat Wajib Dipelajari... Bekalan Untuk Temu Ilahi... ILmu Duniawi Boleh Dicari... Panduan Hidup Untuk Berbakti... says:setiap yg abes skola madrasah, die terpilih......
Ilmu Akhirat Wajib Dipelajari... Bekalan Untuk Temu Ilahi... ILmu Duniawi Boleh Dicari... Panduan Hidup Untuk Berbakti... says:perasan?
Law ghibti a'anni lahza Ibtew-hashni. Wandah a'alaik tool el saa'at. Wayak ya A'omri, ihlaw A'omri. Wa rijia'li beek A'omri elli says:jap apa yg terpilih?
aw ghibti a'anni lahza Ibtew-hashni. Wandah a'alaik tool el saa'at. Wayak ya A'omri, ihlaw A'omri. Wa rijia'li beek A'omri elli says:die?
Ilmu Akhirat Wajib Dipelajari... Bekalan Untuk Temu Ilahi... ILmu Duniawi Boleh Dicari... Panduan Hidup Untuk Berbakti... says:meaning terpilih la abes madrasah... Law ghibti a'anni lahza Ibtew-hashni. Wandah a'alaik tool el saa'at. Wayak ya A'omri, ihlaw A'omri. Wa rijia'li beek A'omri elli says:ouhk
Law ghibti a'anni lahza Ibtew-hashni. Wandah a'alaik tool el saa'at. Wayak ya A'omri, ihlaw A'omri. Wa rijia'li beek A'omri elli says:yah sbb tu bersyukur sgt..
Law ghibti a'anni lahza Ibtew-hashni. Wandah a'alaik tool el saa'at. Wayak ya A'omri, ihlaw A'omri. Wa rijia'li beek A'omri elli says:tp... Ilmu Akhirat Wajib Dipelajari... Bekalan Untuk Temu Ilahi... ILmu Duniawi Boleh Dicari... Panduan Hidup Untuk Berbakti... says:kire tk sume bleh abes madrasah...
Law ghibti a'anni lahza Ibtew-hashni. Wandah a'alaik tool el saa'at. Wayak ya A'omri, ihlaw A'omri. Wa rijia'li beek A'omri elli says:tp skrg
Law ghibti a'anni lahza Ibtew-hashni. Wandah a'alaik tool el saa'at. Wayak ya A'omri, ihlaw A'omri. Wa rijia'li beek A'omri elli says:malu tau
Ilmu Akhirat Wajib Dipelajari... Bekalan Untuk Temu Ilahi... ILmu Duniawi Boleh Dicari... Panduan Hidup Untuk Berbakti... says:madrasah ade penjagenya...
Law ghibti a'anni lahza Ibtew-hashni. Wandah a'alaik tool el saa'at. Wayak ya A'omri, ihlaw A'omri. Wa rijia'li beek A'omri elli says:even those yg fr govt sch
Law ghibti a'anni lahza Ibtew-hashni. Wandah a'alaik tool el saa'at. Wayak ya A'omri, ihlaw A'omri. Wa rijia'li beek A'omri elli says:striving to get his hidayah
Law ghibti a'anni lahza Ibtew-hashni. Wandah a'alaik tool el saa'at. Wayak ya A'omri, ihlaw A'omri. Wa rijia'li beek A'omri elli says:n we from madrasah dah oredi on the track
Law ghibti a'anni lahza Ibtew-hashni. Wandah a'alaik tool el saa'at. Wayak ya A'omri, ihlaw A'omri. Wa rijia'li beek A'omri elli says:but chose n ended up going astray
Ilmu Akhirat Wajib Dipelajari... Bekalan Untuk Temu Ilahi... ILmu Duniawi Boleh Dicari... Panduan Hidup Untuk Berbakti... says:hmmmmmm...
Law ghibti a'anni lahza Ibtew-hashni. Wandah a'alaik tool el saa'at. Wayak ya A'omri, ihlaw A'omri. Wa rijia'li beek A'omri elli says:sbb tu skrrg org sll kate
Law ghibti a'anni lahza Ibtew-hashni. Wandah a'alaik tool el saa'at. Wayak ya A'omri, ihlaw A'omri. Wa rijia'li beek A'omri elli says:
masuk madrasah tpi jd lain
Law ghibti a'anni lahza Ibtew-hashni. Wandah a'alaik tool el saa'at. Wayak ya A'omri, ihlaw A'omri. Wa rijia'li beek A'omri elli says:mcm its not the masyarakts nye salah lah if were to say that coz
Law ghibti a'anni lahza Ibtew-hashni. Wandah a'alaik tool el saa'at. Wayak ya A'omri, ihlaw A'omri. Wa rijia'li beek A'omri elli says:thts wat happen nowadays
Law ghibti a'anni lahza Ibtew-hashni. Wandah a'alaik tool el saa'at. Wayak ya A'omri, ihlaw A'omri. Wa rijia'li beek A'omri elli says:60%
Law ghibti a'anni lahza Ibtew-hashni. Wandah a'alaik tool el saa'at. Wayak ya A'omri, ihlaw A'omri. Wa rijia'li beek A'omri elli says:or shld i say 45*
Law ghibti a'anni lahza Ibtew-hashni. Wandah a'alaik tool el saa'at. Wayak ya A'omri, ihlaw A'omri. Wa rijia'li beek A'omri elli says:45%
Ilmu Akhirat Wajib Dipelajari... Bekalan Untuk Temu Ilahi... ILmu Duniawi Boleh Dicari... Panduan Hidup Untuk Berbakti... says:bkn.....
lmu Akhirat Wajib Dipelajari... Bekalan Untuk Temu Ilahi... ILmu Duniawi Boleh Dicari... Panduan Hidup Untuk Berbakti... says:bkn pasal tu....
Law ghibti a'anni lahza Ibtew-hashni. Wandah a'alaik tool el saa'at. Wayak ya A'omri, ihlaw A'omri. Wa rijia'li beek A'omri elli says:den?
lmu Akhirat Wajib Dipelajari... Bekalan Untuk Temu Ilahi... ILmu Duniawi Boleh Dicari... Panduan Hidup Untuk Berbakti... says:org yg ckp tu....
Ilmu Akhirat Wajib Dipelajari... Bekalan Untuk Temu Ilahi... ILmu Duniawi Boleh Dicari... Panduan Hidup Untuk Berbakti... says:dorg tk tau...
Law ghibti a'anni lahza Ibtew-hashni. Wandah a'alaik tool el saa'at. Wayak ya A'omri, ihlaw A'omri. Wa rijia'li beek A'omri elli says:...?
Ilmu Akhirat Wajib Dipelajari... Bekalan Untuk Temu Ilahi... ILmu Duniawi Boleh Dicari... Panduan Hidup Untuk Berbakti... says:org yg msk madrasah, die di pilih allah utk masok....
Ilmu Akhirat Wajib Dipelajari... Bekalan Untuk Temu Ilahi... ILmu Duniawi Boleh Dicari... Panduan Hidup Untuk Berbakti... says:bkn sal mak bapak die suro msk....
Law ghibti a'anni lahza Ibtew-hashni. Wandah a'alaik tool el saa'at. Wayak ya A'omri, ihlaw A'omri. Wa rijia'li beek A'omri elli says:mmm yah mmg~ but thts wat WE understand
Law ghibti a'anni lahza Ibtew-hashni. Wandah a'alaik tool el saa'at. Wayak ya A'omri, ihlaw A'omri. Wa rijia'li beek A'omri elli says:not those ppl Law ghibti a'anni lahza Ibtew-hashni. Wandah a'alaik tool el saa'at. Wayak ya A'omri, ihlaw A'omri. Wa rijia'li beek A'omri elli says:but den
Ilmu Akhirat Wajib Dipelajari... Bekalan Untuk Temu Ilahi... ILmu Duniawi Boleh Dicari... Panduan Hidup Untuk Berbakti... says:tu psl kite kene phm kn dorg....
Ilmu Akhirat Wajib Dipelajari... Bekalan Untuk Temu Ilahi... ILmu Duniawi Boleh Dicari... Panduan Hidup Untuk Berbakti... says:kite ni ade tanggung jwb yg berat...
Law ghibti a'anni lahza Ibtew-hashni. Wandah a'alaik tool el saa'at. Wayak ya A'omri, ihlaw A'omri. Wa rijia'li beek A'omri elli says:t/jwb kita skrg mmg kenafaahamkn mereka
Ilmu Akhirat Wajib Dipelajari... Bekalan Untuk Temu Ilahi... ILmu Duniawi Boleh Dicari... Panduan Hidup Untuk Berbakti... says:tu pasal allah pilih kite abes madrasah..
Law ghibti a'anni lahza Ibtew-hashni. Wandah a'alaik tool el saa'at. Wayak ya A'omri, ihlaw A'omri. Wa rijia'li beek A'omri elli says:tp ada pulaaak yg dah diberi t.jwb mengabaikannyaa....
Law ghibti a'anni lahza Ibtew-hashni. Wandah a'alaik tool el saa'at. Wayak ya A'omri, ihlaw A'omri. Wa rijia'li beek A'omri elli says:ai..
Law ghibti a'anni lahza Ibtew-hashni. Wandah a'alaik tool el saa'at. Wayak ya A'omri, ihlaw A'omri. Wa rijia'li beek A'omri elli says:mmg beraaat kadang bila terfikir2 dugaan di luar sana tu . ai takuuuut tk terdayaaa'
Law ghibti a'anni lahza Ibtew-hashni. Wandah a'alaik tool el saa'at. Wayak ya A'omri, ihlaw A'omri. Wa rijia'li beek A'omri elli says:zaman kita sekarang makin mencabar... sbb makin banyak benda2 baru.. yg terjadi.. Ilmu Akhirat Wajib Dipelajari... Bekalan Untuk Temu Ilahi... ILmu Duniawi Boleh Dicari... Panduan Hidup Untuk Berbakti... says:

POSTED BY (name here) AT 3:11 AM |

POSTED BY (name here) AT 10:47 AM |
3.25 in 1
*21st May...*
It's Sundaaay!!! woohooo
-WaitinG for Him to be BacK heRe..-
+SuppoSedLY gO 2 Bik CoK's HouSe but den was too tired+
- went JoGgInG AlOnE arOunD Bp..-
JeLapAnG --> SeGaR --> FaJaR --> BaNgKiT --> ZhengHuA PaRk --> BuKit PanjAnG PArK --> back to SeGaR --> JeLaPaNg...
within a hour errr .
+ that's ALL 4 tht Day+
*22nd May ...*
MoNdAy ...!! he's Back!! ayay chat with him last night...waah yeyayay
+ MiZ hIm+ ^_^
mmm... yah cooked meeee ReBus tomato..
baked brownies..
watched memoirs of Geisha
awww.... she's cuteeee... her love for mr Chairman woo
LoVe LoVE n LoVE...
Yah LoVE....!!!
weee LoVe
so lets call the day "ThE LoVeY -Dovey Day"
*23rd May...*
+ GeyLang + wanna BuY MasKeR + BuT No StoCk +
Pasar GeYlanG .. ikan bilis.. telur .. bla2~
den go HoMe nenek mama n wak hussin were standing in front of d HouSe ..
ouuhhu luckily we took cab .. hahaa
so n so.. rushed for asar prayers n went to saff ctr.. run!!!!
hehe lalala
shall update tonite...ermm yah my mum's going for OPERATION.. do pray for heeer..................

POSTED BY (name here) AT 2:07 PM |
responsible one's
its 5.30 am
ive not been sleeping since yesterdae...
facing the laptop....
chatting,doing research, watching you tube for jokes...
ya just to ease ma mind frm all these works..
ya.. msg him ..
but he was too tired i guess..
eventhough we dont meet or out for date
just cant wait to hv him back here in Singapore..
ya tmrw... he will b departing frm there aft breakfast... n the journey will roughly takes ard 8- 10 hrs...
ya.. quiiiick....
make a move... i just want to put an end to this "MISSING"
--- @----
yesterdae went to saff ctr.. 4 usrah @ 5.30 pm n ISH @ 6 pm
as usual... the usrah will definitely n surely start half an hour aft it..
haha so.. while waiting for my beloved usrah sisss to come...
we did some kecoh2 stuff... since theres no bro..
so went on babbleee on SYUK hahah yah.. he mentioned the calling2 thingy wil start at 6pm
n keep reminding us GALS not to be late.. haha but he did
he was LATE!!!!!
yah went to him n go bla bla bla..hhehe yah yah siti will is lyk dat
den few mins aft that. mm 6.30 pm to b exact we start our usrah...wiff all the updates from each other...
den sharing session of understanding twrds abu ayyub al ansari..
den break for mghrib prayer...
den continued with the surah al-Lail presented by sis Azma..
it was a nice one though
sayying abt 2 group of ppl which was created by ALLAH
there's only 2
its either the group which r going to the HELL or HEAVEN
so... it was elaboraated further.. in the quran
that to go to heaven.. well hv to do good things.
n its not merely abt doing gooodd
it will have to come together with our NIAT..
'innama a'maalu binnniyah" if we're doing it bcos of HIM den we will get the reward in the hereafter... well if do good thing for NAMES.. we will only get the reward now.. which won benefit us in the hereafter..
yah basically tht was it..
den cont with ISH...
we're left with calling2
me n my adek ahha suhaila sapuan...
do calling2 in the room while syuk's doing it at the front desk
hahah first few calllz r oredi so demoralised hahaha
n then here syuk get bored hahah ..."apa ni budak2 ni they oredi noe abt the english cup...bla2" hahaha
ya h yah
here cane yana asking orders of mcD... den den.... call2 again .. syuk complain again den cal2 again
foood arrived.. ahhaa
was sooooooooooo terrible hungry...
stomach so empty... ya of cos got intestinessss...
well grab ma curly fries... eat2 munch2 *gulp
was eating with GASTO
yah horrible me!
hahah pelahap
den aft tht clean up its oredi 1045
so done with those clean ups session
n abruptly bro hatta asked if me n yana wanna b given a ride back home
den takes decades to ans. that..
n we ended up with yes..
coz its oredi 11!!!rush2 enter his car...
wah blah2 blah2
tup! reach home
n here i go back to the first parag...
till now hv nt been sleeping
ar thesis!!!

POSTED BY (name here) AT 5:21 AM |
Ma Life Is Miserable ... TODaY

asy'uru bihazin hinama taf'al zalika ilayya
cant wait to meet up my friends at city hall.. on the way to raffles...
took 700.. wah its full ... standing all the way to newton mrt...
had my ablution at home.. so i was really careful not to touch or been touched by anione..
suddenly.. dis apek langgar alamak!!!
batal sey wudhuk k .. den he pushed me aside.. sbb nak turun
as if imo not alighting eee den was so frustrated sampai lupa nak tap ez link~
*yikes.... hmph!
takpe2 m gonna board the mrt soon.. so it wont deduct much
hope so..
den walk walk tiba there's dis GUY
dunno hu
starinn n smiling at me..
i was wondering hus tht guy .. mm
turn back.. mm there's no one..
Sit down.. call suhaila.. den look into the glass door .. abeh tiba2 nampak relfection of him .. waving to me... ee alamak sape lah budak ni..
den look at the other side the same guy.. ya Allah..
den he smiled...ee tak faham2
kk thts it.. he boarded tht train to wdlds hahah bye!! adios ...
during in the train.. to raffles..
so full.. no space abeh during at city hall mrt station everyone was like rushing out ...n i was in the middle of the crowd..
the penuh confident nye.. i moved a bit an hold on to something.. den wen i turned just realised i wasnt holding on to the pole or anyting
haha but AIR hahagagaga but how come i can stand still eh? hahah mm wau...
malu sey org tgk my hand tiba grab something hahah gaga den walk to the other cabin ..
alighted at raffles.. didnt realise there r so many stairs n escalators which lead to diff place.. i was busy smsing suhaila n didnt noe which escalator i went to.. den tgk aa escalator lg naik lagi den nampak yg turun i turun again den realised tht i was actually going around the area turun naik turun naik mak ai.. wats wrong with me today????
k den meet up with the other gals bual2 chit chat bowling eat chit chat waaaah update on our own life... bla2 miss dem mah~
all stupid jokes n memories been mentioned hahah .. mcm2 k thts nice...
.. meet my mum at raffles going to geylang...
to buy a new brand of facial brand sharda? ah shardia ..wateva the name is...
den on the way back in the old junked bus... keeps jerking. brake
suddenly the lamp's cover fell onto my head
n hit my CHEEEEK
ouch it hurts of course...warLow...
dangerous... mah... luckily i was wearing scarf n the hit wasnt really intact to my skin... alhamdulillah~ ive bbeen saved by HIM...

POSTED BY (name here) AT 12:45 AM |
SICK totally sick
11 May 2006
nuting much oh ya... mkn siput!soot soot hehehe

den tghari just realised got sore eyes.. aiyoo ...
den ptg ckit waah demam sore throat.. den my face got red spots. hahah ...alamak cm ne ni..
den tot allergic to ketam the day b4..

baring2.. rest maself.. mmm ee no diff.. cm ne eh..
red spots ni... eee kat muka errrr.. ok apply toner.. cream.. ah still lyk dat...
risau risau2 aiyyaa mmm y must it be there... alaaaaah ..mmm
red eyes red spots on faces...
feel so miseraable.. ermm
*hmm cant du nuting .. let it be ah...
mmm ai...

POSTED BY (name here) AT 12:44 AM |
im sick
10 May , Wednesday
went out to the library to check out for BookSS for my thesis..
with.. my own shadow.. haha.. well alone mah .. rush all the way to wdlds libr.. civic...
report on library card... top up my cashcard using atm.. hahah
"excuse me, can i top-up my cash card here..""Sure ms, by all means its a self-service.."*gulp.. self service..alamak belek2 nye belek tht small machine.. mm ok relax ct relax "grrr.. mcm mana aku nk pakai benda ni.."ok 1st ..insert ur c.card .."ok done" 2nd select.. amt..er..eh mana nak tekan butang select ni.. tk de pape punnn,.. mmmm.. eee ah picit je lah *picit enter * picit 1, *picit macam2 hahahaerk eh apa nak buaat ni..k try again... masuk c.card oh ya kluarkan balik den press button no.1 ah ya btul.. den $20 ah yaha ok now... insert atm.. ok eh alamak kena laju2 once again..k the next try.. ok alhamdulillah jadi..yeee ha processing.. dialling weee berjaya i did it...fuyooo... sedar tak sedar ive been actually be with tht atm thingy more den 5 mins.. hahaha gaga 10 mins i guess sbb org kt blkg pandang smcm jeje
well well.. hehhe dah mcm bdk *selenge* seriously dah lah lone ranger buat benda2 mcm ni.. Next mission bayar fine thru machine
n dis ting shld b ok sbb ive done for few times...
zap the card.. mm no respond
zap again eh apasal ni
zap again n again n again
arghhh wats wrong with the card or the machine.. mm step back.. pndang dr jauh.. je
tgk org buat ok je hehe. ok move fwd slowly... *pndg kiri kanan bllkg.. ok tkde org nampak.. hahaha*evil laugh..
zap! yeay boleh weee ok now cashcard here u go .. insert,... krek krek2 deducted $9.90 fuuuh
next card... zap! insert c.card krek krek krek ok deducted $5.70
yeyye berjayaaaaa..
3rd mission search for boooks...
got 5 books....
*my mum called... "siti belikaaa tepung... tepung sponge cake mix choc" "ah? ..mm ok ok.."*took mrt to SMBWG RED MAN..
.hmm masuk.. mana lah tepung ni...ah tu dia... hehe eh got two diff types of sponge cake mix.. differ by the packing n price...n name heha the other one got super mix.. cost$2.60... the other one biasa $4.60 packing also diff.. mm *call ma mum to recomfirm with her which one... mmm k DONE*took mrt again to cck Library...den rush2 rush2.... go to khair for asar..even there r still ample time for me to go back n pray.. but i keep my His advice " siti jgn solat lambat2.. singgah to the nearest masjid.." hehhe so ya he's right i wun noe.. wats gonna happen during my journey to my house.. traffic jam ke .. accident ke na'uzubillah... mm so again alone.. walk.. to the masjid.. skali ada BANGLA.. alamak geram sey pandang2 mcm nak kasi je buku2 tu suruh baca de summarise it heheh mcm tkde keja lain.. *hmph
went to the toilet.. amek wudhu.. den proceed to the prayer hall...erk ok strategic place.. under the fan..
waaaah fuuh sedap.. ok now.. go to the wardrobe... amek kain solat.. den.. next "ALLAHU AKBAR..." ....................
glance at the grandfather clock infront waa still got 30 mins to 7 .. hehe mm takkan nk balik... bukannya senang nak solat kat masjid..
so decided to stay for maghrib.... still wonder wwhat shld i do to feel up my times.. *loook around...
Suddenly i saw somthing... *tip toe..*grab *rush back to my seat... geeee got u!!! hehehe my lover...
Ah qura'aaann!!! *muacks...
recite... pages by pages... look at the clock.. k still hv time.. again n again .. waah alhamdulillaah
12 pages fuuh hahaha
mm,...*azan... solat.. den prepare to go back.. "lalalla"
best nye gi masjid..
thats it for tht day..

POSTED BY (name here) AT 12:55 AM |
im sick
10 May , Wednesday
went out to the library to check out for BookSS for my thesis..
with.. my own shadow.. haha.. well alone mah .. rush all the way to wdlds libr.. civic...
report on library card... top up my cashcard using atm.. hahah
"excuse me, can i top-up my cash card here..""Sure ms, by all means its a self-service.."*gulp.. self service..alamak belek2 nye belek tht small machine.. mm ok relax ct relax "grrr.. mcm mana aku nk pakai benda ni.."ok 1st ..insert ur c.card .."ok done" 2nd select.. amt..er..eh mana nak tekan butang select ni.. tk de pape punnn,.. mmmm.. eee ah picit je lah *picit enter * picit 1, *picit macam2 hahahaerk eh apa nak buaat ni..k try again... masuk c.card oh ya kluarkan balik den press button no.1 ah ya btul.. den $20 ah yaha ok now... insert atm.. ok eh alamak kena laju2 once again..k the next try.. ok alhamdulillah jadi..yeee ha processing.. dialling weee berjaya i did it...fuyooo... sedar tak sedar ive been actually be with tht atm thingy more den 5 mins.. hahaha gaga 10 mins i guess sbb org kt blkg pandang smcm jeje
well well.. hehhe dah mcm bdk *selenge* seriously dah lah lone ranger buat benda2 mcm ni.. Next mission bayar fine thru machine
n dis ting shld b ok sbb ive done for few times...
zap the card.. mm no respond
zap again eh apasal ni
zap again n again n again
arghhh wats wrong with the card or the machine.. mm step back.. pndang dr jauh.. je
tgk org buat ok je hehe. ok move fwd slowly... *pndg kiri kanan bllkg.. ok tkde org nampak.. hahaha*evil laugh..
zap! yeay boleh weee ok now cashcard here u go .. insert,... krek krek2 deducted $9.90 fuuuh
next card... zap! insert c.card krek krek krek ok deducted $5.70
yeyye berjayaaaaa..
3rd mission search for boooks...
got 5 books....
*my mum called... "siti belikaaa tepung... tepung sponge cake mix choc" "ah? ..mm ok ok.."*took mrt to SMBWG RED MAN..
.hmm masuk.. mana lah tepung ni...ah tu dia... hehe eh got two diff types of sponge cake mix.. differ by the packing n price...n name heha the other one got super mix.. cost$2.60... the other one biasa $4.60 packing also diff.. mm *call ma mum to recomfirm with her which one... mmm k DONE*took mrt again to cck Library...den rush2 rush2.... go to khair for asar..even there r still ample time for me to go back n pray.. but i keep my His advice " siti jgn solat lambat2.. singgah to the nearest masjid.." hehhe so ya he's right i wun noe.. wats gonna happen during my journey to my house.. traffic jam ke .. accident ke na'uzubillah... mm so again alone.. walk.. to the masjid.. skali ada BANGLA.. alamak geram sey pandang2 mcm nak kasi je buku2 tu suruh baca de summarise it heheh mcm tkde keja lain.. *hmph
went to the toilet.. amek wudhu.. den proceed to the prayer hall...erk ok strategic place.. under the fan..
waaaah fuuh sedap.. ok now.. go to the wardrobe... amek kain solat.. den.. next "ALLAHU AKBAR..." ....................
glance at the grandfather clock infront waa still got 30 mins to 7 .. hehe mm takkan nk balik... bukannya senang nak solat kat masjid..
so decided to stay for maghrib.... still wonder wwhat shld i do to feel up my times.. *loook around...
Suddenly i saw somthing... *tip toe..*grab *rush back to my seat... geeee got u!!! hehehe my lover...
Ah qura'aaann!!! *muacks...
recite... pages by pages... look at the clock.. k still hv time.. again n again .. waah alhamdulillaah
12 pages fuuh hahaha
mm,...*azan... solat.. den prepare to go back.. "lalalla"
best nye gi masjid..
thats it for tht day..
11 May 2006
nuting much oh ya... mkn siput!soot soot hehehe den tghari just realised got sore eyes.. aiyoo ...
den ptg ckit waah demam sore throat.. den my face got red spots. hahah ...alamak cm ne ni..
den tot allergic to ketam the day b4.. baring2.. rest maself.. mmm ee no diff.. cm ne eh..
red spots ni... eee kat muka errrr.. ok apply toner.. cream.. ah still lyk dat...
risau risau2 aiyyaa mmm y must it be there... alaaaaah ..mmm
red eyes red spots on faces...
feel so miseraable.. ermm
*hmm cant du nuting .. let it be ah...
mmm ai...

POSTED BY (name here) AT 12:55 AM |
ai fesyen2 trend2 pening kepala
kefahaman ramai mengenai aurat wanita adalah " tutup semua kecuali tapak tangan n muka"
But... apa yang kita lihat sekarang.. ya most of as muslims ikut cara tu tutup semua kecuali muka n tapak tangan..
but r we aware abt the other syarat which mentioned by our beloved rasulullah s.a.w..
yang pakai baju longgar, tak jarang tak menampakkan suusuk tubuh.. labuhkan tudung
but wat happened now.??
kebanyakkan nya yg berlaku
berpakaian asal cukup syarat tutup semua asal tapak tangan n muka..
so the results are..
tudung pakai memang pakai.. ok alhamdulillah
but the clothing as in pakaian
skirt ... den t-shirt ketat.. kalau tak pun seluar jeans ketat...
mmm ai... how m in gonna do my thesis eh... hehe
how shld i explain that...
*garru pale..
mmg lah zaman sekarang modern even cara pakai tudung pun dah mcm2 ai trend2 hehe lagi2 yg bienda style belit2 den leher amacam? hehehe belit2 tiba2 anting terkeluar aiyoooyoyoy
*pening2 fesyen2 trend2
kdg i myself terasa nak pakai skirt baju t-shirt but timbul plak rasa segan dgn org ramai segan dgnAllah ...
tgk org lain pakai mmg lawa.. tp bila nak pakai aisy rasa tak terdaya...
quite no. of times i went out wif my ffreen.. tgk skirt.. uuui lawaa.. nak je beli tapi.. i wont pakai for sure... sbb it will only suit to pakai with t-shirt paras punggong sori to say tht..
mm so how? hehe leave it lah
for His sake..
furthermore as a future pendakwa insya'Allah i shld hv mould myself to a proper clothing by now.. n proper life.. hehe so tht in future orang wont mentioned abt my past kan?kan? hehe

POSTED BY (name here) AT 1:51 AM |
sad ~sedih kecewa
Ya Allah... Tenangkalah jiwa ku ini Ya Allah
Tabahkanlah hatiku untuk menempuh dugaan ya berlaku di sekeliling ku ini
Tetapkanlah Imanku..
Kuatkanlah diriku ini untuk mengharunginya Ya Allah
Berilah ku kekuatan ya Allah
Agar ku terus menghambakan diri ku ini kepadaMu..
Ya Allah berikanlah hidayah Mu kepada hamba2Mu ya Allah
Bantulah mereka ya Allah..
Tak sanggup aku melihat perubahan yang berlaku ke atas diri mereka...
aih~ apa lah nak jadi dengan budak madrasah sekarang
sedih sedih sedih n hampa n kecewa
that madrasah students actually turn out to be the orang yang mcm tak pernah belajar ilmu agama..
:( nak approach nanti apa pula kata budak2 ni kepo lah itu lah
but i;ve to its my responsibility to bring them n lead dem the way.. to the right path..
but wat make dem change???
my beloved frens.. yang dulu sama2 berjuang.. mm turned out to be the very unexpected one.. aish.. ya Allah pls do help me in leading them to ur path..
semacam tak daya. tgk dunia skarg... cubaan dan dugaan yg menjadi2... :( ulama' smakin lama smakin berkurangan akan tetapi maksiat yang berlaku semakin bertambah
di mana harus ku gapai kekuatan ku ? bagaimanakah harus aku membimbing mereka...
being asatizah n pendakwa is not really mean to teach n dakwa alone in the mosque or any religious classes
being asatizah n pendakwa skrg... tmptnye tu ah, di luar sana.. orchard.. bugis.. etc etc where the youth n teens lepak... ways of approaching are different
mmg lah... zaman rasulullah cara berdakwah is by syarahan .. talk abt agama alll those stuff..
but noowadays if we practice it to the teens it will scare them away..
y they prefer christian??? why???
sbb the way christiann berdakwa is usig the emotion whereby they express the love kasih sayang twrds each other den they terap kan ilmu2 nya..
so... we shld take that as a new way of approaching.. rite??
mm psycho them is another way..
mcm mana nk attract them to islam?
is not merely by saying out the verses from holy quran
BUT by joining them as in.. slow talk.. n ask them this that.. n show them loves which Rasulullah did mention it in the hadith..which we have to love for others..
so thts the thing..
lg satu yang betul aku tak faham dgn budak2 yg pakai tudung ni
its lyk dorang ingat pakai tudung its a trend n not a tuntutan Agama tuntutan Allah
---- lagi2 frenster ke blof watever.. they dare post their picture without putting on any hijabl...whereas they are actually putting on it outside.. mm dia ingat org tak nampak eh dia nye aurat.. their tinkin is lyk asalkan dorg kuar pakai tudung n tht's it.. abeh dalam internet leh postgambar2 tak pakai tudung..*tepuk dahi Masya'Allah wat r their understanding on Aurat eh.. mmm *wondering...
dunia dunia..

POSTED BY (name here) AT 1:08 AM |

Yeyaya yeya hehee.... im happy im happy.. im looooking fwd to meet my oldies..my frenz from irsyad...
miz u miz u miz u
frenzz..... irsyadiaaanzzzz

POSTED BY (name here) AT 1:41 PM |