
Name: 'Aaliyah School: Bukit Panjang Govt High Sch Age:
16 Birthday:
23 June 1995 Likes: Hiking

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Layout coded by F-lyingheartsx3. Resources taken from angelicxmelody, Making-Sweetness, Little Miss Wendy and Hello Kitty Dreams. Online hit counter taken from Free Online Users. Mouse effect by mf2fm. Inspirations are Little Miss Wendy, Korean Doll and Eggiiness.
Layout fully coded by me. I didn't use basecodes, just code references.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006 making-sweetness Back to the top

alhamdulillah ive gotten myself a "work" at least dr lepak2 haha .. helping saff with the qurban project.. d moment wen i was told of the project waah mcm best boleh join balik saff prog haha
n active ..
but tht's not all, afterall i didnt expect to be paid~ but den they said dis is kind of contract but den part-time.. any additional hours is considered as volunteeeeeeeerr so..
yaah im in!
n just now was my first day.. nuting much to do besides.. reading up all the process n procedures, the proposal n catch up wat liana has done before .. so.. yah..
n i enjoy doing it..
its for the lebanon ...
n so n so...
lah boring ah tak tau nak ckp apa~ dh ngantok~
n lastly
ive got new nicks!! haha guess wat?
miss kambing, kambing i/c, kambing coordinator, mbek2 , aiyooo~

but watever it is m happy . cos im able to heeeelp the lebanon!! Allahu Akbar!!
may ALlah give me strength ...

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sso yaah dis is the imaage for our project.. ok lah adiooos
mata dah tak boleeh bukaa~

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making-sweetness POSTED BY (name here) AT 3:03 AM | 0 Comments

making-sweetness white gooolld!!! i luuuv!!

arghh... im in love with white goooold.. lawa2..
haha aai~ how i wish ive all theese... tp mcm tamak kan.. n its gonna impossible of cos to own all these
mcm kaya sgt... weee lets hav e loook~ lawa kaan~

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

making-sweetness POSTED BY (name here) AT 2:54 AM | 0 Comments

Sunday, November 19, 2006 making-sweetness Back to the top

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Which Soldier is Taller?

Believe it or not, they are the same height! Take a ruler and measure them if you do not believe me!

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Are the Vertical Blocks Parallel and Straight?

You bet they are! Measure 'em!

making-sweetness POSTED BY (name here) AT 1:30 PM | 0 Comments


Pick your favorite of the ice cream flavors listed below and find out what it says about your personality.

1. Vanilla
2. Chocolate
3. Butter pecan
4. Banana
5. Strawberry
6. Chocolate chip


Compatibility Cart

The flavorology research also compiled a compatibility chart for ice cream lovers.

If your favorite flavor is:

*mine is chocholate chip!!! ahahah weeee delicious

making-sweetness POSTED BY (name here) AT 12:07 PM | 0 Comments

making-sweetness "Istikharah"

ya Allah berikanlah ku petunjuk Mu, sinarilah hidupku dengan cahayaMu.. bimbinglah ku ke jalanMU...

Allaahumma inni astakhiiruka bi'ilmika , wa astaqdiruka biqudratika wa as aluka min fadhlikal azhiim. Fa innaka taqdiru wa laa aqdiru, wata'lamu wa laa a'lamu, wa anta allaamul ghuyuub.

Allaahumma inkunta ta'lamu anna haadzal amra khairun lii fii diinii wama'aasyii wa 'aaqibati amrii, 'aajili amrii wa aajilihi faqdurhu lii wa yassirhu lii tsumma baarikliifiihi. Wa inkunta ta'lamu anna haadzal amra syarrun lii fii diinii wa ma'aasyii wa 'aaqibatu amrii 'aajili amrii wa aajilihi fashrif annii washrifni 'anhu waqdur liyal khairahaytsu kaana tsumma ardhinii bihi, innaka 'alaa kulli syai-in qadiir

"Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku mohon pilihan-Mu dengan ilmu-Mu, dan aku mohon kepastian kepada-Mu dengan kekuasaan-Mu, sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Kuasa, Engakau Maha Tahu dan Maha Mengetahui segala yang gaib.
Ya Allah, jika Engkau mengetahui urusan ini baik bagiku, untuk agamaku, untuk penghidupanku dan akhir kesudahannya kelak, maka takdirkanlah dia bagiku dan mudahkanlah dia bagiku, kemudian berilah dia berkah bagiku.
Dan apabila Engkau mengetahui pekerjaan itu buruk bagiku, untuk agamaku, untuk penghidupanku dan akhir kesudahannya kelak, maka singkirkanlah dia daripadaku dan hindarkanlah aku daripadanya. Takdirkanlah hal-hal yang baik bagiku dimana kebajikan itu berada, kemudian berilah aku menyenanginya"

>>>> serabuuut nya lah fikiraan... ya Allaah. bantulah hambaMu ini .. jauhkan lah ku dr segala kelalaian dunia.. ai cinta..cinta.. how i wish i can make love aft marriage... *amiiin* <<<<

making-sweetness POSTED BY (name here) AT 4:32 AM | 0 Comments

making-sweetness cinta.. review from syarahan by ust during at MkS

well... this is what i got from the syarahan..


- 7 golongan yg akan mendapat perlindungan dr Allah s.w.t adalah mereka yg cinta mencintai antara satu sama lain kerana Allah s.w.t, bertemu berpisah hanya kerana Allah s.w.t"

-cinta antara pemuda pemudi menurut panduan Islam.
- islam tak nafikan atas kewujudan perasaan cinta antara pemuda dan pemudi.
pernah berlaku pada zaman rasulullah s.a.w bila mana sayidina Ali a.s menyatakan cintanya pada fatimah kepada rasulullah s.a.w
maka di sini Islam telah meletakkan satu garis panduan bercinta iaitu ianya hendaklah dikawal dan tidak boleh cinta itu menjadikan individu tersebut sebagai fanatik.

-"wahai para pemuda barangsiapa yang sanggup dan dah berkemampuan untuk berumah tangga maka dirikanlah.."

- islam lebih mengiktiraf cinta seorang pemuda dan pemudi adalah setelah berumah tangga. walaupun ianya telah wujud terlebih dahulu sebelum berada di alam rumah tangga.

- jangan biarakan cinta itu dikuasai oleh nafsu,kerana bilamana nafsu telah berjaya meenguasai diri seseorang maka syaitan telah berjaya mengawal kita.

inni asa'aluka hubbak wa hubba man yuhibuk wa kulla amalin yuqarribuni ila hubin
ya Allah aku brmohon untuk mencintai mu dan mencintai org2 yg mencintai mu dn stiap amal yg mendekatkan diriku untuk mencintaimu

making-sweetness POSTED BY (name here) AT 2:42 AM | 0 Comments

making-sweetness tak salah cinta sebelum kahwin asalkan ...~

Cinta adalah fitrah (komponen kejadian manusia). Firman Allah," Fitrah Allah yang telah menciptakan manusia menurut fitrah itu. Tidak ada perubahan pada fitrah itu." maksud Surah arRum: 30

Imam Ibn Qayyim menjelaskan cinta adalah fenomena universal dan ia memberi kesan yang mendalam kepada jiwa manusia hinggakan dalam sastera Arab menghasilkan lebih dari 60 istilah cinta. Dunia Melayu pun apa kurangnya.

Syaikh (aMarhum) Abdullah Nasih Ulwan berpendapat: Islam mengiktiraf cinta yang bersemi pada setiap individu dan Islam telah menggariskan tiga tahap cinta:
* Cinta agung: Cinta kepada Allah, Rasul dan Islam serta berjihad membuktikannya.
** Cinta pertengahan: cintakan sesama manusia: ibubapa, anak-isteri, kaum kerabat dan sahabat handai
*** Cinta bawahan: menyintai sesuatu melebihi cinta kepada Allah, Rasul dan Islam.

Bolehkah pasangan bukan muhrim bercinta sebelum kahwin?

Syaikh Atiyyah Saqr menjawab: kenapa tidak? Cinta adalah suci, cinta dalam bentuk apapun dibolehkan oleh syara' asalkan tidak dikotori dengan niat dan aksi kotor; ia mestilah tidak bercanggah dengn hukum-hukum syara' dan diiringi dengan cinta yang diredhai oleh Allah.

Cinta sejati boleh dibina sebelum berkahwin asalkan cinta yang direstui agama, dilahir dan dipupuk melalui saluran agama. Islam tidak menentang cinta kerana cintalah asas dalam ibadah antara hamba dengan Penciptanya; manakala cinta jugalah asas kepada pembentukan sebuah keluarga Islam yang harmonis.

Cinta yang dibenteras oleh Islam ialah cinta yang dicemari oleh maksiat dan menuruti hawa nafsu; manakala mereka yang memupuk cinta tapi tetap berpegang kepada ajaran Allah dan mengikuti saluran syara' adalah diharuskan oleh syara' dan seterusnya memadu cinta melalui jalan pernikahan yang sah dan halal.

making-sweetness POSTED BY (name here) AT 2:06 AM | 0 Comments

making-sweetness as i told u b4~ we r capable of making faces
Friday, November 17, 2006 making-sweetness Back to the top

Cool Slideshows

making-sweetness POSTED BY (name here) AT 1:57 AM | 0 Comments

making-sweetness our mischievous act..

Cool Slideshows

our mischievous act, had attracted a 6 year old kid to join us.. haha
sabiiqaah is part of our cluub..
well can c all her actions during photo taking.. hehe she actually imitates us...so u shld be able to guess by now.. hus is her role model.. haaha if ur saying she's cute... heeh obviously it must be from me.. ehehk *

making-sweetness POSTED BY (name here) AT 1:47 AM | 0 Comments

making-sweetness My JeaLousy Test..
Wednesday, November 15, 2006 making-sweetness Back to the top

Ok let's see how jealous i am.. heheh there were questions listed..and here's the result.. pity pity him.. haha..

You are 57.14% jealous!
For this test, the average jealousy percentage is 35.54%.
591339 people have taken this test to date.

This percentage means that :
�You exhibit many jealous traits.
�You are prone to over-react.
�Although your jealousy shouldn't prove to be a real problem, you should work on controlling it more.
�Things aren't often as bad as you think.

making-sweetness POSTED BY (name here) AT 11:29 PM | 0 Comments

making-sweetness new LooK
Friday, November 10, 2006 making-sweetness Back to the top

weeeee... ~~~
loooook... a totally neew look.. d MUhajibah make over.. hehehe
from pink to purple.. so next month will be orange insya'Allaah
heee gonna change color every month..~ *hop ard~

making-sweetness POSTED BY (name here) AT 9:05 PM | 0 Comments

making-sweetness Raya 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006 making-sweetness Back to the top

It's already the 18th of Syawal. Ever since the first raya I've not been visiting much..was lazing ard at home which the best thing to do.. heee n since my mum will have to go to hospital for therapy everyday except for weekends..by the time she's back.. she is too exhausted of going out.. so there we are the whole family staying at home.. till the last saturday and sunday which is on the 4 nov and 5 nov, we went out... but to few houses only.. the elders... of course which shld be prioritized.

and only snapped few pics during raya.. cause soo laazzy to bring it ard and snaaaaap! haha .

Cool Slideshows

making-sweetness POSTED BY (name here) AT 11:06 PM | 0 Comments

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