
Name: 'Aaliyah School: Bukit Panjang Govt High Sch Age:
16 Birthday:
23 June 1995 Likes: Hiking

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making-sweetness tanpamu.....
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making-sweetness the song based on reality hhuhu
making-sweetness *sigh*
making-sweetness *overload*


making-sweetness September 2005 making-sweetness January 2006 making-sweetness February 2006 making-sweetness March 2006 making-sweetness April 2006 making-sweetness May 2006 making-sweetness June 2006 making-sweetness July 2006 making-sweetness August 2006 making-sweetness September 2006 making-sweetness October 2006 making-sweetness November 2006 making-sweetness December 2006 making-sweetness January 2007 making-sweetness February 2007 making-sweetness March 2007 making-sweetness April 2007 making-sweetness May 2007 making-sweetness June 2007 making-sweetness July 2007 making-sweetness September 2007 making-sweetness November 2007 making-sweetness December 2007 making-sweetness January 2008 making-sweetness March 2008 making-sweetness April 2009 making-sweetness June 2011


Layout coded by F-lyingheartsx3. Resources taken from angelicxmelody, Making-Sweetness, Little Miss Wendy and Hello Kitty Dreams. Online hit counter taken from Free Online Users. Mouse effect by mf2fm. Inspirations are Little Miss Wendy, Korean Doll and Eggiiness.
Layout fully coded by me. I didn't use basecodes, just code references.

making-sweetness sad ~sedih kecewa
Wednesday, May 10, 2006 making-sweetness Back to the top

Ya Allah... Tenangkalah jiwa ku ini Ya Allah
Tabahkanlah hatiku untuk menempuh dugaan ya berlaku di sekeliling ku ini
Tetapkanlah Imanku..
Kuatkanlah diriku ini untuk mengharunginya Ya Allah
Berilah ku kekuatan ya Allah
Agar ku terus menghambakan diri ku ini kepadaMu..

Ya Allah berikanlah hidayah Mu kepada hamba2Mu ya Allah
Bantulah mereka ya Allah..
Tak sanggup aku melihat perubahan yang berlaku ke atas diri mereka...

aih~ apa lah nak jadi dengan budak madrasah sekarang
sedih sedih sedih n hampa n kecewa
that madrasah students actually turn out to be the orang yang mcm tak pernah belajar ilmu agama..
:( nak approach nanti apa pula kata budak2 ni kepo lah itu lah
but i;ve to its my responsibility to bring them n lead dem the way.. to the right path..
but wat make dem change???

my beloved frens.. yang dulu sama2 berjuang.. mm turned out to be the very unexpected one.. aish.. ya Allah pls do help me in leading them to ur path..
semacam tak daya. tgk dunia skarg... cubaan dan dugaan yg menjadi2... :( ulama' smakin lama smakin berkurangan akan tetapi maksiat yang berlaku semakin bertambah
di mana harus ku gapai kekuatan ku ? bagaimanakah harus aku membimbing mereka...
being asatizah n pendakwa is not really mean to teach n dakwa alone in the mosque or any religious classes
being asatizah n pendakwa skrg... tmptnye tu ah, di luar sana.. orchard.. bugis.. etc etc where the youth n teens lepak... ways of approaching are different
mmg lah... zaman rasulullah cara berdakwah is by syarahan .. talk abt agama alll those stuff..
but noowadays if we practice it to the teens it will scare them away..
y they prefer christian??? why???
sbb the way christiann berdakwa is usig the emotion whereby they express the love kasih sayang twrds each other den they terap kan ilmu2 nya..
so... we shld take that as a new way of approaching.. rite??
mm psycho them is another way..
mcm mana nk attract them to islam?
is not merely by saying out the verses from holy quran
BUT by joining them as in.. slow talk.. n ask them this that.. n show them loves which Rasulullah did mention it in the hadith..which we have to love for others..
so thts the thing..
lg satu yang betul aku tak faham dgn budak2 yg pakai tudung ni
its lyk dorang ingat pakai tudung its a trend n not a tuntutan Agama tuntutan Allah
---- lagi2 frenster ke blof watever.. they dare post their picture without putting on any hijabl...whereas they are actually putting on it outside.. mm dia ingat org tak nampak eh dia nye aurat.. their tinkin is lyk asalkan dorg kuar pakai tudung n tht's it.. abeh dalam internet leh postgambar2 tak pakai tudung..*tepuk dahi Masya'Allah wat r their understanding on Aurat eh.. mmm *wondering...
dunia dunia..

making-sweetness POSTED BY (name here) AT 1:08 AM | 0 Comments

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