7 dec 2006
as usual its abt qurban again ehhehe
well im the head of kambing anyway..
so wat else do u expect?
ok i recieved a phone call from ros
she's saying tht she'll be there(saff ssc) ard 1pm
and tht point of time.. it was already 11+ n im not yet iron my clothes
ook told her to make it at 2 instead
ok den its on!
but still i dunno wat took me so long to get ddress heheh
1.35 den i left.. tot of taking cab but ended up taking feeeder which i wasnt sure wat feeder is that..
i just got myself realised tht is 922 wen d bus make a turn at the junction hahaha
ok! fgt it .. so...den walked to the main road from the interchange to catch any cab .. since the line @ bpp was veryyy long...
but still no cab turn up .. all were hireedd n fully booked
so i took the bus
keep checking at the watch.. just dun want 2 be late..
once i alighted from the bus.. i speed up .. till i feel lyk walkin in d air.. hahah
once i reach i open up the sc... and on the air con d pc.. n breath in..
suddenly.. someone knocked at the dooor and that is the flyer man hahaha
he came to send me the flyers tht ive ordered from them ..
so yah chop2 the invoice.. and get the payment voucher and make a copy of that..
aft that..
ok that's all as a start of my life today
just now something happened
wat was it?
1 ) hahha I went over to the POSB bank for d very first time of my life bank-in cash n cheque haha so we were lyk aliens from other planets came in and wanted to cash in ..hahh
wat happened we entered and saw the policeman (cisco) ya den we were there standing looking ard.. 360 degreees hahaha turn ard.. ok walk to the left " eh its not here"
to the right" not here either" ended up posing at the middle of the place..
haha d police asked wat r we looking for..
so we said tht we wanted to cash in..
so we climbed up d stairs.. waaaah
the queue iss sooo llooong...
ok lah.... tiba2 dah beratur panjan2
sekali tht lady kata,,
sorry u cant bank in the cash if its under corporate
"waat?!!" hahaha
dah beratur pnjang2 den mcm tu jeee
ok lah wat to doo.. so walk away.. n go to interchange beli buah brangan
balik den continue with my work
fax2 masjid
call up brothers
merge2 letter
ans phone call
den mohksin came..
n discuss abt the flyers distributions on friday ..
n ask him to get me the brothers... yg can do the thing
n yah tmrw kind of last minute
since d flyers just arrived,, haha
so.. he suggested to make it the next friday
n yah ok lah i agree with it
so.. we just proceed with the mosques tht oredi allow us to do so
den another bro dtg...
k let us name it as Bro (x)
haha dis bro (x) suddenly appear in the office and exclaimed haha
"siti r u d one who wrote the letter.. ?"
i said no.. im not.. i used the previous letter which yana used b4 which has been editted by bro hafiz"
tht (x) said :" u shld have checked tau!! ada salah dlm surat tu... "
den i asked..wat's the mistake is it obvious.? y isnt anyone came to me n pointed out the mistake..
Selain dari itu, setiap daging yang disembelih, akan dapat menghasilkan 24 tin dimana ia boleh diedarkan kepada 5 keluarga setiap minggu.
k if u were to read it.. can u spot any mistake??/
sure not cos... this letter have been editted...
ok fgt it
n the mistake is actually at the statement where it says" setiap daging yg disembelih"
daging disembelih...???
ok i just realised the ayat.. ok
fine i admit its a mistake
ok sure i'll ammend it...
but ok lah its not a BIG mistake anyway
but he's word
were really an insult!!!
i cant deny that! it is an INSULT
noe wat he said ??
"eh u shld ask someone with higher malay as ur volunteeer to do d letteeer."
cos i was saying b4 that.. lyk " lah mana perasaaan sbb tht letter is from 2005 nye qurban n down to liana and even dah di edit oleh bro hafiz.. n even my vlnteers tgk pun tk de pape "
ok ok
hu was there at tht time?
afia, hidayah n huda
huda said that is an insult..
even afia agreeed with that.. his word really an insult..
ok.. i just dun feeel anything
ok lah it may be an insult but i just dun bother abt it..
ok tiba2 huda came out from the toilet..
with her face dah berkerut2
ok..tiba2 she was so quiet..
and i asked her if she's ok.
she said .. dia terasa dgn kata tht bro
btul2 nye sakit hati
ya lah
cos... they ve been struggling all d way to help me wif dis project
whereby none bother to help
ok tht ok lah
n then tht bro happily came n say lyk that..
it wld b fine if he just came n pointed out d mistake n thts it lah
dun have to be so sarcastic lyk dat..
ok my volunteeer really terasaa
n i feel bad abt that..
i dun want to c my volunteeers with sad face... seriously
i really care abt them
they helped me ALOT ...
they r not been paid for this..
they do it bcos they want to help me..
so ive to take care of them its my responsibilty
their welfare ...
she keep crying...
so i decided to msg tht bro n explain..
den he still keep repeating abt d mistakes so yah i said i admit its MY mistake
ok.. n but he shldnt hv say tht..
it really hurt
especially their feeelings...
thhey volunteer themself to help wif the work n be part of qurban teaam
but.. this is wat they get..
a very sarcastic statemen and insult
i cant takke it maaan
ok lah thts all abt it.. so yah i really hopee they will be recognized for their good deeed
thanx huda hidayah!!
i love u ppl
u helped me alooot!!
i wldnt have manage to do it alone..
thts all for todaay shall update again tmrw,,, let c wat story next hehe

POSTED BY (name here) AT 11:46 PM |
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