wah first of all..
awwalan sa aqulaa halan hammman...
asykuruhu 'ala kulli rizk yu'tini wa lebaniyiin~
barkallahu fi man qad sadaqa ilaina lil qurbanin li lebaniyin~
fa asykuruhu jiddan2
oops ok just trying to brush up my arabic skill which has been too mendaak~
ok lets share d joy ttgher...
the number of kambing marching in ... is now.. 127!!
im feeeling greaaat!! masya'Allaaah
in tansurullah yansurkum 'ala a'daaaaikuum
well... keep remembering HIm n Insya'Allaah everything will b fine... insya'Allaah
but how..?
praying 5 times a day its not enuf...
we neeed him so we need to do something more than that..
its just lyk praisin ur gf/bf
u wont just go n do someting common .. rite?
u'll do something tht he/she likes .. rite2? heee
so thts d same thing..
the formulae r d same..
flirt.. mingle... with HIM
but how..
how to flirt??
its by doing prayer at nite.. alone.. u noe?
just u n HIM..
mingel ard.. how?
mix ard with quran ..n all the verses..
there's where u will urself getting so much closer with him.. doing it once its not enuf..
so keeep doing it ok? hehe
thanx to my parents... qurban team.. cik ja. cik ros.. yah bros n sis~
for giving me ur moral supports.. and ur contributions of energy and ideaas... r soo much appreciated..
but its not over.. so keeeep contribbuting heheeh
u noe wat?
there was a saff induction session held wen was it eh.. mm
hari..selasa? rabu?
either one
i tink its tuesday..
k.. wat was it all about eh
ok ..
all saff activists were invited to the session as it was a session to introduce to the new saff management board.. n etc etc with all d divisions
but it started off with a very fun introduction games.. ahaha
kind of ice breaking but its not really an ice breaking game since.. most of us noe each other.. so its just a melting an ice.. haha ehk? HUmbug!
okk.. throwing a ball .. bla2
ok n it was fun n i was so happy loooking at huda n zaharah join d sessionn
so tht they wont feel left out animore..
ya~alhamdulillaah im happy for them.. n now they r planning for the SApphite!! hhaha
well do support them.. ok .;)
as for me... things are much more stable now..
unlyk last time wen it wwent haywired.. with letters to be fold, posted etc etc
n now.. its tym to wait n wwait for the kambing to march in my office hehehe~
well days by days.. the number starts to rise...
i love to hear my hp rings~ cause it will always b the clients.. asking abt qurbaan
iim counting d days... yess
7 days more...
20 kambing each day is enuf... heeh wah tamak sey~
ok lah
6 days left which is
22,23,24,25,26,27 and 28!!!!
every 2 days i will have to make a move to d bank
and bedok as well!!
yah travel.. travel n travel
just lyk wat i did yesterday was a travelling day
20 december
9.30 am -11.30 am : saff ctr.. collect money from cik ja... n scrub the carpet sbb air tumpah~ from my beg... d day b4...n its kind of smelly tau tak bau hapak!! yah
11.30 - make a move to bedok.. train from gombak to bedok..
wait for a feeedeeeer busss 222 to perdaus.. reach perdaus den discuss.. n count n check
den make a move to bedok central take 222 again..
n den walk to the DBS... n guess wat? beratur panjaaaang!!!!!!!
den terus take train to cck~
and yah do d bank in there~
reach saff ctr safely ard 3pm!!
den... @ 4pm lari gi perdaus hongkah!!
6.00pm rush to IYAD @ jurong east reach saff ctr safely @ 6.40p.m
haha cepat kan?!! heheeh
den do my work soo many things to update..
the data all those things
k den finished up my work @ 10 pm!!!
n noe wat?
mata dah meraah!! bcoz d whole day tak rest..
n tak makaan
n my stomach so pedih dat tym..

POSTED BY (name here) AT 12:38 AM |
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