y m i crying... y.. y.. ct y..?
there must be something really bothering you...
yes precisely!!
im depress.. ..of wat??
workload.?? not really
responsibility?? hmm not really
then wat is it??
m not sure!!!!!
i just cant say it....
it's abt me my life... wats gonna happen to me.
ya Allaah
aku ilang araah...
im emotionally depress...
ya i am i am i am!!!!
tgk lah dah pukul brp tak tido2.
kdg2 bila tgk my frens... ai..
how lucky they r to be in wat they r now..
but as for me .. i am feeling grateful...
but it wld be much better if ican be at their position now..
dun reallly have to tink tht much..
ai.. m i too demanding..? mm yah i am..
m i expecting too much..
m yah ia am!!
so thts d problem!!!
so.. ct pls.. dun expect to get a very wonderful life..
yah u can expect or dreaam
but dun over dreaam..
u noe wat i mean?
yes i do!!!
but how.. can i not dream of somthing..when ive been tagged with fruitful,....words..heee
k ct dah tak betull k stop here..
tgk lah tak tido2...
alhamdulillah.. aku dilahirkan beribu dan ayah..
berilmu.. dan beragama..
ameen ya rabbal alamin.. Allah loves me ..~~
yeah He does.. :)

POSTED BY (name here) AT 1:32 AM |
------part 1 --------------------------
ive been tinking of something which m not sure of..
my life.. my future..
as i said previously...
its hard being an adult.. i mean young adult..
mcm2 lah nak difikirkaaaan...
sometimes i put tings at very high expectations..
den sendiri yang merana.. tinking of those expectations nt been fulfilled..
how.. n how n how..
will all those dreams come true.
unsurni..... unsurni. unsurni....
-----------------part 2 ------------------------
went for usrah...
yesterday.. we discussed on this surah Luqman .. his wisdoms..
n try to relate it to oour life ..
ya i feel grateful... to have my parents.. n my brother ard..
i jus cant imagine wat if im born in any other family ..
m i gonna b as wat i am rite now??
hmm *wondering..
-------------part 3 --------------------
the camp is in a month time!!!!
ya Allaah ...
i neeed someone to talk to.. to share dis prob of mine...
Shahida... away in UKM
dayah.... busy with her course..
LIana... busy working..
ya Allaaah..
feeel lyk isolating myself.. in another world ..
stay dalam gua eh..
:( cry cry cry is d only ting i can do rite now...

POSTED BY (name here) AT 12:37 AM |
it was quite boring.. wen ur not feeling well ..
cheer myself....
victim : Teddy & small towel
owner : syafiqah
venue: challet @costa sandTime : 8.10pm
scene 1# "baby-teddy"
mamipoko Pant
scene 2# "teddy-robber"
"surrender all ur money now!!"
scene 3# "pahlawan teddy"
"eehhhhh u... come over here.."
scene 4# "teddy-man"
fly teddy fly!! up..up and awaaay...

*Cuzzinz Discussion..*Mentor: our beloved aunty~ busu sarimah
Present : hakim,faqih,nurul,farhana,aisyah,syafiqah, faqirah n me!!
Absent: my bro & abg fir.
Commence: 9.45 pm
adjourn : 11.00pm

POSTED BY (name here) AT 11:32 AM |
its april!!!
Masya'Allaah.. now i realise how hard is it to be an adult~ heee
used to imagine worklife.. no more study.. bookS~ tot it wld be easier but its not..
do saving.. manage own life..
own money.. spending.. wow..
how i wish im still a kid hehehe.. tak besar2 eh..
alhamdulillah everything goes smoothly..
my life.. my schedule..
but.. someting is just not rite..
i just realised something .which is d month~ d day date..
its APRIL already!!! masya'Allaah
how time flies..
still struggling .. BIG Examination!!1 coming soon!!!
not for me of course
but for the students...
i wld want them to score..
sa'aazam fasaatawakkal 'alaih.
Allahmu ameen..
insurni... 'ala kulli syai'

POSTED BY (name here) AT 10:51 AM |
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