Bahan-bahan ( - )
- Pastri:
- Biskut Oreo
- Butter
- Cheese Filling:
- 250gm cream cheese
- 3/4 cwn gula icing
- 1 biji telur
- 1/2 cwn whipping cream
- 1 camca teh esen vanila
- Pastri:
- Blender biskut Oreo sehingga hancur
- Gaulkan butter ngan biskut Oreo yang dihancurkan tadi hingga sebati
- Kemudian masukkan sedikit doh ke dalam acuan muffin (lebih elok dibuat dalam kertas muffin yang tebal, senang nak keluarkan bila dah masak nanti) dan masukkan dalam peti sejuk selama 10 minit
- Cheese Filling:
- Pukul cheese dan telur hingga sebati.
- Masukkan esen vanila dan telur dan whipping cream.
- Teruskan memukul adunan sehingga kelihatan berkrim.
- Tuangkan adunan secukupnya ke dalam pastri tadi di tengah-tengahnya.
- Masukkan ke dalam oven dan bakar selama 15-30 minit pada suhu 180 darj cel.

POSTED BY (name here) AT 1:41 PM |
for my beloved frens..pejuang ilmu..
kau jangan lah sedih2 lagi k?
kalau kau sedih aku lagi sedih..
kalau kau rasa kau ada apa2 nak kongsi..
kau cakap dengan aku..
insya'Allah.. i'll be there 4 u..
jarak bukan halangan untuk kita teruskan ukhuwwah yang murni ini..
dayah.. yani..
korang jagalah diri baik2..
korang tu jauh kat mesir..
belajar betul2..
aku...sentiasa merindui korang ..
aku sentiasa doakan korang..
semoga korang berjayaa....
aku rindu korang sangat..
aku sayang korang..
semoga persahabatan kita diberkati Allah.. ameeen

POSTED BY (name here) AT 8:36 PM |
before ramadan...
Work stuff:
1) check all the e-learning..
2) rearrange classroom...
3) decorate to the theme of RAMADAN
4) key in all the marks...
5) re-check those who haven't return the exam papers... *errr*
6) think of children's day gift..
7) email notes to the IIE students
8) my ASSIGNMENT!! ( cerpen, khutbah. kritikal)
Myself during RAMADAN :
1) loose weight! hua hua hua... i wanna reform myself
2) complete the whole quran again..
3) able to memorize at least 1 juz
4) more savings..
5) make myself better .. pious.. aww..
6) less talk ..( but how?? im a teacher.... *hmm* )
7) no scolding... ( IF ... the kids r gonna b tht gd... ameeen)

POSTED BY (name here) AT 2:09 PM |
Why Islamic Fasting Is Different Than Other Types of Fasting
"Fasting as a way of Life "
The Islamic fast, is different from the above "Diet Plans". It has beneficial features of both plans. Its unique medical benefits are due to the following factors :
I . A
s compared to other diet plans, in fasting during Ramadan, there is no malnutrition or inadequate calorie intake since there is no restriction on the type or amount of food intake during Iftaar or Sahar. This was confirmed by M.M.Hussaini (ref. 6) during Ramadan 1974 when he conducted dietary analysis of Muslim students at the University of North Dakota State University at Fargo. He concluded that calorie intake of Muslim students during fasting was at two thirds of NCR- RDA. 2.
Fasting, in Ramadan is voluntarily undertaken. It is not a prescribed imposition from a physician. In the hypothalamus part of the brain there is a center called "lipostat" which controls the body mass. When severe and rapid weight loss is achieved by starvation diet, the center does not recognize this as normal and, therefore re-programs itself to cause weight gain rapidly once the person goes off the starvation diet. So the only effective way of losing weight is slow, self-controlled, and gradual weight loss by modifying our behavior, and the attitude about eating while eliminating excess food. Ramadan is a month of self-regulation and self-training if terms of food intake thereby causing hopefully, a permanent change in lipostat reading. 3.
In Islamic fasting, we are not subjected to a diet of selective food only (i.e. protein only, fruits only etc). An carry breakfast, before dawn is taken and then at sunset fast is broken with something sweet i.e. dates, fruits, juices to warrant any hypoglycemia followed by a regular dinner later on.4.
Additional prayers are prescribed after the dinner, which helps metabolize the food. Using a calorie counter, I counted the amount of calories burnt during extra prayer called Traveeh. It amounted to 200 calories. Islamic prayer called Salat uses all the muscles and joints and can be placed in the category of a mild exercise in terms of caloric out put. 5.
Ramadan fasting is actually an exercise in self discipline. For those who are a chain smoker, or nibble food constantly, or drink coffee every hour, it is a good way to break the habit, hoping that the effect will continue after the month is over. 6.
Psychological effect of Ramadan fasting are also well observed by the description of people who fast. They describe a feeling of inner peace and tranquility. The prophet has advised them "If one slanders you or aggresses against you, tell them I am fasting". Thus personal hostility during the month is minimal. Crime rate in muslim countries fall during this month.quoted this from http://www.islam-usa.com/im15.html

POSTED BY (name here) AT 8:13 PM |
Have we prepared ourselves for this coming holy month 'RAMADHAN' ?? Ramadan is the (month) in which was sent down the Qur-an, as a guide to mankind, also Clear (Signs) for guidance and judgment (between right and wrong). So every one of you who is present (at his home) during that month should spend it in fasting, but if any one is ill, or on a journey, the prescribed period (should be made up) by days later. Allah intends every facility for you; He does not want to put you to difficulties. (He wants you) to complete the prescribed period, and to glorify Him in that He has guided you; and perchance ye shall be grateful.

POSTED BY (name here) AT 12:50 AM |
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