im sick
10 May , Wednesday
went out to the library to check out for BookSS for my thesis..
with.. my own shadow.. haha.. well alone mah .. rush all the way to wdlds libr.. civic...
report on library card... top up my cashcard using atm.. hahah
"excuse me, can i top-up my cash card here..""Sure ms, by all means its a self-service.."*gulp.. self service..alamak belek2 nye belek tht small machine.. mm ok relax ct relax "grrr.. mcm mana aku nk pakai benda ni.."ok 1st ..insert ur c.card .."ok done" 2nd select.. mana nak tekan butang select ni.. tk de pape punnn,.. mmmm.. eee ah picit je lah *picit enter * picit 1, *picit macam2 hahahaerk eh apa nak buaat ni..k try again... masuk c.card oh ya kluarkan balik den press button no.1 ah ya btul.. den $20 ah yaha ok now... insert atm.. ok eh alamak kena laju2 once again..k the next try.. ok alhamdulillah jadi..yeee ha processing.. dialling weee berjaya i did it...fuyooo... sedar tak sedar ive been actually be with tht atm thingy more den 5 mins.. hahaha gaga 10 mins i guess sbb org kt blkg pandang smcm jeje
well well.. hehhe dah mcm bdk *selenge* seriously dah lah lone ranger buat benda2 mcm ni.. Next mission bayar fine thru machine
n dis ting shld b ok sbb ive done for few times...
zap the card.. mm no respond
zap again eh apasal ni
zap again n again n again
arghhh wats wrong with the card or the machine.. mm step back.. pndang dr jauh.. je
tgk org buat ok je hehe. ok move fwd slowly... *pndg kiri kanan bllkg.. ok tkde org nampak.. hahaha*evil laugh..
zap! yeay boleh weee ok now cashcard here u go .. insert,... krek krek2 deducted $9.90 fuuuh
next card... zap! insert c.card krek krek krek ok deducted $5.70
yeyye berjayaaaaa..
3rd mission search for boooks...
got 5 books....
*my mum called... "siti belikaaa tepung... tepung sponge cake mix choc" "ah? ok ok.."*took mrt to SMBWG RED MAN..
.hmm masuk.. mana lah tepung ni...ah tu dia... hehe eh got two diff types of sponge cake mix.. differ by the packing n price...n name heha the other one got super mix.. cost$2.60... the other one biasa $4.60 packing also diff.. mm *call ma mum to recomfirm with her which one... mmm k DONE*took mrt again to cck Library...den rush2 rush2.... go to khair for asar..even there r still ample time for me to go back n pray.. but i keep my His advice " siti jgn solat lambat2.. singgah to the nearest masjid.." hehhe so ya he's right i wun noe.. wats gonna happen during my journey to my house.. traffic jam ke .. accident ke na'uzubillah... mm so again alone.. walk.. to the masjid.. skali ada BANGLA.. alamak geram sey pandang2 mcm nak kasi je buku2 tu suruh baca de summarise it heheh mcm tkde keja lain.. *hmph
went to the toilet.. amek wudhu.. den proceed to the prayer hall...erk ok strategic place.. under the fan..
waaaah fuuh sedap.. ok now.. go to the wardrobe... amek kain solat.. den.. next "ALLAHU AKBAR..." ....................
glance at the grandfather clock infront waa still got 30 mins to 7 .. hehe mm takkan nk balik... bukannya senang nak solat kat masjid..
so decided to stay for maghrib.... still wonder wwhat shld i do to feel up my times.. *loook around...
Suddenly i saw somthing... *tip toe..*grab *rush back to my seat... geeee got u!!! hehehe my lover...
Ah qura'aaann!!! *muacks...
recite... pages by pages... look at the clock.. k still hv time.. again n again .. waah alhamdulillaah
12 pages fuuh hahaha
mm,...*azan... solat.. den prepare to go back.. "lalalla"
best nye gi masjid..
thats it for tht day..

POSTED BY (name here) AT 12:55 AM |
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