Name: 'Aaliyah
School: Bukit Panjang Govt High Sch
23 June 1995
Likes: Hiking
"aleeya falisyah"cuteee... ee geram2aleeya!!!*ok y...
veiling this tiredness...the feelings...veil it ve...
ehehkz! commercial~which reminds us to Pray~ thts ...
its reminder for me n you~do ur prayers...
The Stench of HatredAuthor UnknownA kindergarten t...
Cool Slideshowsthese are my kambing teaam~ i mean ...
well actually blum habes posting...den terpaksa ta...
wat shld i update abt myself?ah.. nothing~heee me...
is this a dreamIf it isPlease don't wake me from t...
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Layout coded by F-lyingheartsx3.
Resources taken from angelicxmelody, Making-Sweetness, Little Miss Wendy and Hello Kitty Dreams.
Online hit counter taken from Free Online Users. Mouse effect by mf2fm.
Inspirations are Little Miss Wendy, Korean Doll and Eggiiness.
Layout fully coded by me. I didn't use basecodes, just code references.
Dr. Muhammad Asim Mahmood Khan
O Mankind: There has come to you a direction from your Lord and a healing for the (disease) in your hearts - and for those who believe a guidance and mercy!" (Qur'an 10:57) "And We sent down in the Qur'an that which is healing and a mercy to those who believe; to the unjust it causes nothing but loss after loss" (Qur'an 17:82) "Those who believe and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of God, for in the remembrance of God do hearts find rest" (Qur'an 13:28)Scientifically healing effects of reciting Qur'an have not yet been studied in detail; medical science of the 21st century does not understand the exact processes and chemical reactions that take place during recitation. However with the belief that whatever Allah has said is true we can relate the modern day scientific findings with the hints and leads given by the Creator to hypothetically postulate a viable but vague bio-electro-mechanical model of some of the processes that may be taking place. I have tried to do the same thing. It is a view based on my limited knowledge and may not be true. Only Allah knows best. Every action needs some input. In the case of healing through Qur'an what can be that input? Let us analyze the different forces, factors, or events that are involved in recitation and can be the input leading to healing effects. Body parts involved in recitation are: 1. Vocal cords, tongue & lips: Read or recite.
For a moment say the word "ALLAH" and notice your tongue. The tip of the tongue gently presses against a spot (see the spot in the figure above) on hard palate in the mid line just above the back of the gums of the upper front teeth (incisors). Pressure on this spot stimulates the release of signals from mechanoreceptors embedded in the mucosa covering the hard palate.
Allah Almighty has 99 names (Asma ul Husna). Each of them indicates a different attribute of God. Only "ALLAH" is the name (al-ism al-a'zam, the Greatest Name) that God has chosen for himself. Why not something else? God could have taken any name. Why specifically this word. Can the sound of ALLAH have healing powers? Signals generated through pressure at this 'magic spot' are transmitted to centers in the brain; what these signals do is not yet known. At least we can very safely assume that they cannot be harmful. They must be beneficial as they relate to the name of our Creator. An authentic saying of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) further supports the possibility of this spot possessing some magical properties. He (PBUH) is reported to have said that reciting the following verse a 100 times daily has cure for 99 diseases and the most minor disease among them is Leprosy: "Lahaula wala quwata illa Billah L-Aliyyil-Adhim" ("There is no power and strength except in Allah, the Exalted, the Majestic"). Now again notice the finely calibrated knock on the 'magic spot'. The tip in a very rhythmic fashion presses against this magic spot almost 10-12 times in about 3 seconds that are consumed in one recital. The advise of the Prophet (PBUH) is for continuous recitation for a 100 times resulting in 1200-1300 continuous harmonically synchronized knocks. Here I would also draw your attention towards another saying of the Prophet (PBUH): "Jabir (RAW) reported: I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) saying, 'the best way to remember Allah is to say: La ilaha illallah (there is no God but Allah)." (Ref: Tirmidhi) Once more notice the tongue movements during the recital of 'La ilaha illallah'. Same spot is touched four times in an amazingly synchronized manner. Tuk ….. Tukk . Tuk Tuk. It is worth mentioning that more than routine involvement of this spot is also observed while reciting all the Kalma's specially the first four: Kalma Tayyab: "Laa ilaaha illal Lahoo Mohammadur Rasool Ullah" Kalma Shaadat: "Ashahado An Laa ilaaha illal Laho Wa Ash Hado Anna Mohammadan Abdo Hoo Wa Rasoolohoo" Kalma Tamjeed: "Subhanallahe Wal Hamdulillahe Wa Laa ilaha illal Laho Wallahooakbar. Wa Lahaula Wala Quwwata illa billahil AliYil Azeem" Kalma Tauheed: "Laa ilaha illal-Lahu Wahdahoo Laa Shareekalahu Lahul-Mulko Walahul Hamdo Yuhee Wa Yumeeto Wa Hoa Haiy Yul La Yamooto Beyadihil Khair. Wa hoa Ala Kulli Shai 'in Qadeer" Involvement of this particular magic spot during the recital of some of the most important words and verses in Islam besides the one prescribed by the Prophet (PBUH) as cure cannot be a coincidence. Everything ordered by Allah is very well thought of; human intelligence cannot comprehend it. It becomes even more interesting when we notice that during our daily conversation or routine recital of Holy Qur'an, this spot is not involved as much and in the same rhythmic manner as it is during recital of the prescribed verse. Scientific research has pointed out towards existence of very sensitive 'Mechanoreceptors' in the oral cavity including the hard palate. Although these studies were not done to prove this hypothesis, I have benefited from them by correlating them with the 'magic spot' phenomenon discussed above. I have here reproduced abstract of one of those studies that documents complex sensory perception of these receptors involved in initiation of reflexes and coordination and timing of patterned motor behaviors. (For my non-medical friends I have highlighted the main points in italics): Study: Mechanisms of Oral Sensation Norman F. Capra, Department of Oral and Cranio-facial Biological Science, University of Maryland Dental School, 666 W. Baltimore St., 21201 Baltimore, USA: Sensory nerves that supply mechanoreceptors in the mucosal lining of the oral cavity (incl. mucosa lining the hard palate), pharynx, and larynx provide the substrate for a variety of sensations. They are essential for the perception of complex or composite sensory experiences including oral kinesthesia and oral stereognosis. Relevant to the concerns of the oral health care delivery specialist they also contribute to initiation of reflexes and coordination and timing of patterned motor behaviors. The response of oral mechanoreceptors to natural stimuli is determined to a large degree by morphological factors such as the nature of the relationship between nerve ending and certain cellular specializations, their distribution in the mucosa, the diameter of their primary afferent nerve fibers, and the central distribution of these fibers in the brainstem. Because of morphological similarities to certain cutaneous mechanoreceptors, the mucosal lining may be considered as an internal continuation of the large receptor sheet for localization and detection of mechanical stimuli. In some regions of the oral, pharyngeal, and laryngeal mucosa, this analogy is appropriate whereas in others, existing data suggest a different role consistent with regionally specific demands (i.e., initiation of protective reflexes). Frequency of Sound WavesAnd when the trumpet shall sound one blast; And the earth with the mountains shall be lifted up and crushed with one crash (Al-Qur'an 69:13-14). For when the trumpet shall sound; Surely that day will be a day of anguish; Not of ease, for disbelievers (Al-Qur'an 74:8-10).For centuries, healers have intuitively used sound's therapeutic powers. In ancient cultures, many examples of use of sound and vibration as treatment are found. Numerous tools have been used since the beginning of time to create music that aids healing: planetary gongs and Tibetan bowls, didgeridoos, rattles and drums. Even today, a growing number of medical professionals are embracing sound as an effective tool for healing. It has been proved that the entry of sound waves into the human body is not just through the ears. We also hear and perceive sound by skin and bone conduction. We are sensitive to sounds in ways that most people do not even consider. It passes through the body and in the process the human tissues transduces pressure waves (sound waves) into electrical stimuli primarily by means of the pacinian corpuscles (a special type of mechanoreceptors). The frequency range in which the human tissue can transduce sound waves lie between 50 and 800 cycles per second while the human ear is sensitive to sound waves between 20 and 20,000 cycles per second. Now lets see what sound waves do when they enter the body: Entry through Ears - The Hearing Effect
Waves in sound move at certain frequencies. Sound in itself is a frequency just like light, aroma, vibration, music, brain waves or nerve impulses. Everything, as its most common denominator, is frequency. In reality, there are no solids. We exist in a universe that consists entirely of energy at different frequencies. Einstein proved this. Frequency defines it.
Everything in the universe is in a state of vibration creating sound waves at variable frequencies. Each celestial body, in fact, each and every atom, produces a particular sound frequency on account of its movement, rhythm, or vibration. This includes the human body. Every organ, bone, tissue and other parts of the body have a healthy resonant frequency (vibratory rate of an object). When that frequency changes, that part of the body vibrates out of harmony and this is what is termed disease. If it were possible to determine the correct resonant frequency for a healthy organ and then project it into that part which is diseased, the organ should return to its normal frequency and healing should occur. Our body is receiving and absorbing sound frequencies all the time from its surroundings. These external sound frequencies together with the vibration of the body organs make up a composite frequency, a harmonic that is your own personal vibratory signature. This signature encircles the whole body with a field, like an aura. How does the body know what to do with all of the frequencies it receives? The body hears frequency. The ears change that sensory input into biochemical impulses and send that information to the brain. The eyes feast on frequencies of light input, change those impulses into biochemical energy, and send that information to the brain. The nose receives frequencies of aromas and changes it into biochemical input and sent it to the brain. Each sensory organ collects information as frequency input and changes that input into biochemical impulses, which it sends to the brain. The brain in turn digitizes the information and redistributes it to systems and functions of the body to maintain homoeostasis. When sound at different frequencies enters the body it is not only translated into electrical signals but it also comes in contact with the body cells and alters their basal vibratory resonance that can be detrimental or beneficial for the body depending on the frequency of sound. Researchers are desperately trying to find the healing frequencies. There's plenty of scientific proof that it can be effective for everything from enhancing the mental faculties, reducing stress and boosting mind-power. Many studies in recent times have shown that music (sound) can reduce pain and ease anxiety during surgical procedures. In a German study there were lower levels of stress hormones in the bloodstreams of patients having endoscopies when they listened to the music of their choice during the procedures. At the Bethesda Naval Medical Center in Maryland, USA, doctors found that men who listened to music during sigmoidoscopies felt more relaxed during this uncomfortable examination. Sound therapy can make you smarter too - at least temporarily. A study at the University of California, USA, found that college students who listened to Mozart for 10 minutes scored eight to nine points higher on intelligence tests than they did after sitting in silence for the same amount of time. However the effect lasted only 10 to 15 minutes, after which the scores returned to normal. Another study from Louisiana State University in Shreveport, USA, concluded that listening to slow and easy music lowered heart rates and allowed longer training sessions in a group of 24 young adults. While listening to hard-driving rock music had the opposite effect: heart rates increased and workouts were shorter when the subjects tuned in to rock 'n' roll. A new branch of sound therapy, called Music Thanatology, has evolved that seeks to ease the emotional and physical suffering of terminally ill patients through soothing sounds at specific frequencies. In one of the few medical studies conducted on listening to the recitation of Holy Qur'an Dr. Ahmed E. Kadi and Associates (Cairo), have shown a reduction in blood pressure, heart rate, and smooth muscle relaxation in Muslims as well as non-Muslims. There should be no doubt that the sounds of the words of Allah have divine healing powers. Allah has made the work of scientists easier by revealing the healing frequencies: "And We sent down in the Qur'an that which is healing and a mercy to those who believe; to the unjust it causes nothing but loss after loss" (Qur'an 17:82). The sound of recitation enters the body just like all other sounds or frequencies: - Through the ears into the brain, andWhat, do they not ponder the Qur'an? Or, is it that there are locks on their hearts? (Muhammad 47:24).Indeed we have made this Qur'an easy for understanding and remembering (dhikr). Is there any, then, that will take it to heart (Al-Qamar 54: 17)Conclusion