Ma Life Is Miserable ... TODaY

asy'uru bihazin hinama taf'al zalika ilayya
cant wait to meet up my friends at city hall.. on the way to raffles...
took 700.. wah its full ... standing all the way to newton mrt...
had my ablution at home.. so i was really careful not to touch or been touched by anione..
suddenly.. dis apek langgar alamak!!!
batal sey wudhuk k .. den he pushed me aside.. sbb nak turun
as if imo not alighting eee den was so frustrated sampai lupa nak tap ez link~
*yikes.... hmph!
takpe2 m gonna board the mrt soon.. so it wont deduct much
hope so..
den walk walk tiba there's dis GUY
dunno hu
starinn n smiling at me..
i was wondering hus tht guy .. mm
turn back.. mm there's no one..
Sit down.. call suhaila.. den look into the glass door .. abeh tiba2 nampak relfection of him .. waving to me... ee alamak sape lah budak ni..
den look at the other side the same guy.. ya Allah..
den he tak faham2
kk thts it.. he boarded tht train to wdlds hahah bye!! adios ...
during in the train.. to raffles..
so full.. no space abeh during at city hall mrt station everyone was like rushing out ...n i was in the middle of the crowd..
the penuh confident nye.. i moved a bit an hold on to something.. den wen i turned just realised i wasnt holding on to the pole or anyting
haha but AIR hahagagaga but how come i can stand still eh? hahah mm wau...
malu sey org tgk my hand tiba grab something hahah gaga den walk to the other cabin ..
alighted at raffles.. didnt realise there r so many stairs n escalators which lead to diff place.. i was busy smsing suhaila n didnt noe which escalator i went to.. den tgk aa escalator lg naik lagi den nampak yg turun i turun again den realised tht i was actually going around the area turun naik turun naik mak ai.. wats wrong with me today????
k den meet up with the other gals bual2 chit chat bowling eat chit chat waaaah update on our own life... bla2 miss dem mah~
all stupid jokes n memories been mentioned hahah .. mcm2 k thts nice...
.. meet my mum at raffles going to geylang...
to buy a new brand of facial brand sharda? ah shardia ..wateva the name is...
den on the way back in the old junked bus... keeps jerking. brake
suddenly the lamp's cover fell onto my head
n hit my CHEEEEK
ouch it hurts of course...warLow...
dangerous... mah... luckily i was wearing scarf n the hit wasnt really intact to my skin... alhamdulillah~ ive bbeen saved by HIM...

POSTED BY (name here) AT 12:45 AM |
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